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NCP24-18 Securing Foundations at Year 7

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Securing Foundations at Year 7 Discover ways to help students who need additional support to make good progress in KS3 and beyond

Who can take part?

This project is for teachers working with those Year 7 students who have not met age related expectations in maths, particularly students whose attainment is in the bottom 20-30% of the national cohort at the end of KS2. It is suitable for experienced or novice teachers. We require two maths teachers (or one teacher and one TA) from each school to register for the programme and participate in workshop sessions.

What is involved?

This project aims to provide professional development and resources for secondary maths teachers, so they are better equipped with KS1 and KS2 maths curriculum domain-specific knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. It will give them the necessary expertise to support students with gaps in understanding content from previous Key Stages.

Participants in this project will gain access to high-quality resources designed by experts in the pedagogy and expectations of maths at both KS2 and KS3.

Central workshops

Each participant should attend all six central workshops across the year. There will be five opportunities to attend each workshop – i.e. 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E and then 2A, 2B etc., and participants will sign up for these sessions on Axis.

Participants may sign up for whichever workshop in the series best suits their availability, e.g. a participant might attend 1C, 2A, 3E etc. Attending the same session as their school partner is recommended where possible, but not compulsory.

In each series of workshops there is also an option ‘F’ which will be used as a ‘catch-up’ session for anyone who finds at the last minute that they are unable to attend the workshop they signed up for.

Details of how to register for resources on Axis will follow. 

5th September 2024 9:00 AM through 19th July 2025 4:00 PM
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